Due to COVID-19 certain services may not be available
Save with Our Jacksonville Hotel Deals
Traveling on a budget, or just looking for a Jacksonville hotel package to get the most bang for your buck? The Ramada Jacksonville Hotel & Conference Center offers a number of hotel specials to make staying here the only option when traveling in the Jacksonville area.
Escape Packages for Two
This package includes:
Friday or Saturday Overnight Stay
Plush King or Queen-bedded Room
Admission for two to Comedy Zone*
All You Can Eat Seafood Dinner Buffet for two at GiGi's
Glass of Wine or Beer with dinner for two
Breakfast for two the next day
Taxes & Gratuities included
*Package prices and show times vary with each performer.
Credit card will be charged upon booking with no cancellations or refunds
Please contact us for details regarding these specials: 904-292-4242
*Prices subject to change without notice.